Monday, January 31, 2011

The 50c cool thing from The Salvation Army

Lovely with lemons.
Lemons, it's time for your closeup!
Holidays are the best time to scour the op shops; work gets in the way of a good trawl.
So, Rex and I dropped into Salvos on the way to the second-best coffee in Tasmania yesterday, and I found this thing.
I looked at it and thought 'nah' (someone had artistically(!) painted two-tone green fruit, grapes maybe, on it), then I looked again and thought 'yes. I will buy you, only if I get rid of two things I already own'.
So, that's my new thing, buy to replace, not add to.
Plus, I sanded the grapes off.

Cool thing and lemon-coloured lamps. Mad synchronicity!
Then, later in the day, I looked here and saw the same thing - the cool thing.


The Beaufort 8 Group said...

Oh look at the crazy 50 cent looks like a giant seed pod or something???

Here i was thinking this was going to be a post about fiddy cent


Cathy G said...

It is one of those seed pod/leaf things. Someone has just cleverly put legs on it and made it functional.